import uuid import qrcode import time import os os.system("clear") # Questionig to where to put the payment amount=float(input("Please enter the amount which you like to send in EURO: ")) receiver=input("Who is the receiver: ") bic=input("Please Input the BIC of the receiver(optional): ") iban=input("Please also input the IBAN of the receiver: ") usecase=input("Please input what the money will be used for: ") char=input("Please input the char reference-char(optional): ") reference=input("Please input the reference-number(optional): ") # Processing localtime1=time.localtime() qrcodedata = ("BCD\n002\n1\nSCT\n%s\n%s\n%s\nEUR%s\n%s\n%s\n%s %s.%s.%s %s:%s:%s"%(bic,receiver,iban,amount,char,reference,usecase,localtime1.tm_mday,localtime1.tm_mon,localtime1.tm_year,localtime1.tm_hour,localtime1.tm_min,localtime1.tm_sec)) img = qrcode.make(qrcodedata) qruuid=uuid.uuid4()"%s.png"%(qruuid)) os.system("clear") print ("%s.png"%(qruuid))